DigiPro Level 5

This course will help you get initiated into the basics of gaming and go all the way to mastering the development of games in Scratch. You will make a chatbot that asks different questions to the user and takes them to different scenes based on their responses.This course also focuses on using Teachable Machine for machine learning- a platform that creates and trains models that can be used in various applications like face detection, attendance system and mask detection system. The course also introduces students to Thunkable- a mobile app development platform developed for students to boost their programming and development skills and create their own mobile apps and games.

About This Module

. Extensions
· Sensing
· Advanced motion blocks
· Integrating interactions
· Nested loops
· Nested conditions

Artificial intelligence
· Machine learning model for mask and face recognition
· Classes and datasets
· Training the model
· Testing and improving the model
· Introduction to programming with a trained model

· Account setup, interface, screen setup
· Multiple screens, button, events
· Introduction to layouts and text box (input)
· if else condition
· Clock component
· Chatbot app

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